Increase Productivity At Work With Interior Design Tips
2021 started with a bang, huh? Many of us are still working at home. Some are heading back into the office, but even those are finding they are still splitting their time with their beloved (or despised!) home office.
Productivity seems to be this thing we either wake up with or not. Someday we have it. Other days it’s gone and impossible to find. But what if our environment could play a major role in increasing our productivity at work?
Whether you are designing a home office or you are ready to go back to an in-person office, make sure to implement these ideas to improve your productivity and wellbeing while working. Get the most out of your day and feel re-energized by the end of it. (I guess we need to take our own advice, huh?!)
Natural Light
Natural lighting has a huge effect on our productivity, but also our wellbeing, our general mood, and our peace of mind.
Without proper exposure to natural light throughout the day, your sleep quality will lower, health problems will start appearing, you will find yourself feeling more grumpy and with a more negative state of mind… and yes your productivity will be greatly affected!!!! Ugh, it’s so true!!! (Why do you think we all hate winter so much - not enough sun!!!)
So make sure to get as much natural light as you can:
Put your office close to a window (if you’re lucky with the construction of your home to be near one!)
Remove what may block natural light to come in (heavy window treatments, furniture in front of windows, etc.)
If you still lack natural light in your workplace and you cannot do much about it make sure to take regular breaks and go walk outside or sit by a window when you can. My dog, Crouton, forces me to get up and go during the day when she needs a potty break (don’t tell your kids that….this may be the excuse they’ll use to make you get a puppy!)
Hi Crouton!
You will see your productivity and creativity starting to increase throughout the day.
A cold, non-personal workplace might seem less distracting but it won’t help to be more productive. On the contrary, an inspiring decoration and design in your office that makes you feel happy will support your creativity and productivity. Or, if you’re like my husband, just cleaning your office may help :-P
As you’ve noticed, the Bees aren’t “minimalists” per se, but we do think there’s a place for a more minimal, simplistic approach - and the office is a great place to start! Start with minimalist décor and add a few bigger art pieces. This will help you to reach a great balance between a cold uncluttered space and an overwhelming workplace.
Pick decoration that makes you happy and inspired. This could be linked to a hobby you have, a travel destination, etc. In my office, of course I have pictures of my kids, but I also surround myself in my favorite fabrics and textures to inspire me.
Why not adding some nature inspired artwork? Botanical prints such as these can help you feel like you’re bringing in the outdoors, even if you’re not near a window!
Having plants in your office is a great way to purify the air, lower stress, and anxiety… and of course also increase productivity. Plants make the place more lively and increase the mood of the room. Give it a try! Think you’re not a plant person??? WE DISAGREE!!! Neither was I - until the pandemic hit and I needed some new living things to take care of that weren’t my children who could talk back :-P (Check out our blog that we did a few weeks ago about EASY houseplants to try for first-time plant parents!)
For an office without windows, try a Pothos, ZZ plant, or Snake Plant which can survive under LED or fluorescent lighting. Have a window? Then try a Spider Plant (she has babies to propogate - you’ll feel like such a good plant mom or plant dad)! Or try a Fittonia that tells you whenever she needs water (seriously, she’s a drama queen!). You can’t fail!!
Lounge Space
Productivity doesn’t increase just by working more. Having a balanced lifestyle and nurturing breaks will help you to feel more focused and productive. Add a space dedicated to lounging and being social. Human interactions are also an important aspect to stay motivated, happy, and productive at work. Having a lounge area where you can both relax and interact with other people will allow you to go back to work feeling reenergized, relaxed, and more content.
Not gonna lie - if you’ve ever been on a zoom call with Mary or I, you’ll notice sometimes we’re sitting on our office sofa, bench, sometimes in the sunlight. You need a lounge area sometimes just to take a break and have a change of pace - even if it’s only 3 feet away from your desk! (Let’s be honest, we still need our laptops to be plugged in!)
Or you could just have the COMFIEST desk chair if you have a small office. Just a lovely little chair that is super comfortable will increase that productivity in a snap!!!
Give yourself the best chances to succeed and improve your interior design. If you need more advice to create the best work environment possible, contact us today! Can’t wait to hear from you!!! Share your favorite office design ideas that you’ve implemented over the pandemic below!